Rabu, 30 September 2009

GenIVI – “Generally Expected Not for In Vehicle Infotainment”

Last week at the Intel Developer’s Forum (IDF) in San Francisco, Intel CEO, Paul Otellini announced in his keynote that Intel’s Atom processor would be used in upcoming 2012 Model Year BMW and Daimler vehicles. The OS to be used? QNX Neutrino RTOS. What I find interesting is:

So at the end of the day team GenIVI didn’t give itself the win in stacked competition? You have to wonder why that might have been? Perhaps we should look to Linus Torvalds’ recent commentary at LinuxCon where he stated that the Linux kernel has become "huge and scary" and that it isn't "the streamlined, hyper-efficient kernel I envisioned when I started writing Linux."

Perhaps GenIVI should consider its OS strategy. . . QNX might be a good choice

Gempa 7.6 SR Hantam Sumatera Barat

Gempa bumi yg melanda sejumlah wilayah Sumatera Barat,ternyata tidak hanya dirasakan oleh daerah-daerah si Sumatera Barat.Negeri tetangga yaitu Singapura dikabarkan juga merasakan adanya gempa dan sempat membuat warga Singapura panik.Dan dari berita yg saya liat dari detikom bahwa menimbulkan dampak yg sangat parah terutama di daerah Pariaman Sumatera Barat puluhan rumah ambruk dan hancur,tidak hanya itu saja rumah sakit M.Jamil juga mengalami roboh sebagian.

Ribuan orang juga terjebak di reruntuhan bangunan sampai postingan ini saya buat korban meninggal dunia dilaporkan ada 13 orang dan kemungkinan besar akan bertambah jumahnya mengingat akibat dan kekuatan gempa yg cukup kuat.Saat ini,rumah sakit lapangan (darurat) di lokasi sedang disiapkan.

Tenaga kesehatan dan timkes dari pusat penanggulangan krisis regional Medan dan pusat penanggulangan krisis regional Palembang malam ini lewat darat 10 jam bawa dokter, obat dan kantong mayat.

Kita doakan saja mudah2an bencana yg melanda negeri ini khususbya untuk daerah Sumatera Barat dan Sekitarnya yg turut terkena dampak gempa bumi ini bisa diberikan ketabahan dan semoga bencana yg melanda bisa cepat berlalu dan beraktivitas normal kembali seperti biasanya...

Diberikan 4 Award Oleh Sobat Blogger

Diberikan 4 award oleh sobat blogger saya.Sebenarnya saya diberikan award ini di akhir-akhir menjelang 'Ramadhan' usai,namun saya baru sempat mempostingnya hari ini juga.Saya ucapkan terima kasih yg sebesarnya-besarnya untuk sobat blogger saya yg bersedia berbagi awardnya yaitu numb3r.Thanks 4 u friends.

Dan inilah keempat award yang saya dapatkan:

Award Sahabat Pena 1

Award Sahabat Pena 2

Red Ribbon Award

Award Corat Coret

Dan karena saya terlalu pusing untuk memberikan kepada sobat blogger yg setia mengunjungi blog saya ini, maka jika para sobat blogger lain yg menginginkannya silahkan saja berkomentar di bawah postingan ini untuk 20 orang sobat blogger.Tapi kalo mau langsung mengambilnya tentu tidak apa-apa.Akan tetapi tentu akan berbeda rasanya jika diberikan langsung.Thanks for all

Senin, 28 September 2009

A twittering toilet “flushed” my patent idea

During a recent automotive brainstorming session, I realized that automotive companies were really interested in the phenomenon that is social networking, but most of them were viewing the automobile as a renderer of content relating to social networking. That gave me an idea. What if the car, or any device for that matter, could be an active participant in a driver’s social network? Why wouldn’t we want to enable any device to be a “friend” and contributor?

After that “ah ha” moment I decided to create a patent application and pitch it to my management team. They agreed it sounded like a great idea (in fact one quote from our senior management was “well if I don’t understand it, it must be a good idea”) and asked our legal department to start the process for patent application. Well wouldn’t you know that they very next day my news feed produced the following headline:

Not the use case I envisioned but prior art none-the-less. =(

I thought I would share my patent summary anyway:

Descriptive Summary:
With advancements in ubiquitous connectivity and computing power devices are now capable of “knowledge” of location, environment (site, sound and touch), etc. This invention describes leveraging this data to allow for a device to be an active participant in social networking as an artificially intelligent being capable of independent contributions.

While this invention applies to a variety of devices specifically I will focus on the implementation and use cases enabled in an automotive environment. This invention will enable a vehicle to become an active, artificially intelligent participant in social networking and communication. With the computing power and location aware sensors now being deployed in telematics, navigation, infotainment etc. coupled with ubiquitous connectivity to portable devices, between modules in the car, to infrastructure and to the internet, vehicles have the technology necessary to proactively communicate to owners and “friends” in a sentient way. An example of this would be the active participation of a blog or twitter account populated directly from the vehicle. Pre-programmed functions could be coupled with location and vehicle data to populate status updates, pictures and blogs. Take for instance the following example: Tom drives 40 miles to work each day, on average he exceeds the speed limit by 7 miles per hour. The vehicle could take information about route, speed, fuel economy and individual driver to populate content on a blog: “Tom drives me every day and if he would only drive me 4 miles per hour slower and take the express way more often he would save 4 gallons of gas per week. Based on the pricing from his favorite gas station that would be over $500 / year he could save.” Another example could be Andrew who takes his Jeep 4x4 driving. The Jeep could specifically post where they went and even upload pictures from an external camera (already included for lane departure warnings). The Jeep could even post what music was being played in the car during the drive possibly even uploading a small snippet from the internal microphone (already in the car for Handsfree communication) to complete the experience.

In each of these examples the vehicle could round out the updates to a owners life experiences with their vehicle building brand loyalty as well as enhancing safety. The vehicle could report “tweets” to traffic information to keep a drivers hands on the wheel. It could even read others posts / tweets relating to current location information.

Another example would be the vehicle posting to its owners facebook that it misses her driving. For example: “I miss you driving me Amanda, Tom only takes me back and forth to work with no new things to see”. Or to communicate specific information. Ex: Andrew, I wanted to let you know I found a problem and couldn’t figure it out on my own so I sent the information to the dealership and they will likely be in contact with you to help us figure it out.

All of the examples of capabilities exist in a vehicle today, the unique invention is the use of a device or vehicle as an active participant in collating and communicating information and experiences independently without specific interaction from the owner / end user.

The automotive market typically has been stagnant in the total number of vehicles sold / year. (an exception being this past year). In such a market to increase market share means to keep existing customers loyal to your brand and attract customers of your competitors to your models. This invention helps to aid in the personalization and connection established between a driver and “my car”. Additionally, by enabling tight interaction between a vehicle and its owner’s life / networks / friends / environment, it makes it difficult to decouple that connection in a parting. Just like a relationship it is difficult to “break up” so when it is time to purchase a new vehicle many of the settings and interactions can be transferred from one car to another of the same brand.

Kamis, 10 September 2009

Dapat OSBP Award

Gak Nyangka Saya mendapatkan Award untuk yg pertama kalinya dari sobat blogger saya yaitu numb3r.Dan ini berhubungan dengan award backlink dengan banyak keuntungan.Karena saya sudah mengambilnya dan mempunyai tugas untuk memberikannya juga hanya kepada 10 orang sobat blogger saya maka inilah nama-nama sobat blogger yang mendapatkannya:

1.Media Info

2.Pasang Link Gratis

3.Ramadhan Blog

4.Drogba'z Blog


6.Pascal Programming

7.Goceng's Blog




Dan selanjutnya si penerima award harus meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel kalian :

1. Boy ---> Sorry gak dapet alamatnya (dari sono nya)

2. Mas Doyok

3. Rizky

4. kupu.miss.oemang

5. shulayman

6. aprie

7. Dwi Isnein

8. Willyo ALsyah

9. NumB3R - Tips Bisnis Online

10. Galeri-Info

Aturannya begini :

Sebelum kamu meletakkan link di atas, kamu harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link kamu sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10). Tapi ingat ya, kalian semua harus fair dalam menjalankannya. Jika tiap penerima award mampu memberikan award ini kepada 5 orang saja dan mereka semua mengerjakannya , maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah :

Ketika posisi anda 10, jumlah backlink = 1

Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5

Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25

Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125

Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625

Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125

Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625

Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125

Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625

Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang anda inginkan. Dari sisi SEO anda sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline anda mengklik link itu, anda juga mendapatkan traffik tambahan. Apalagi kalau webnya khusus untuk iklan adsense, wah bisa-bisa pendapatannya bisa membludak nih. Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link web anda di posisi 10. Ingat, anda harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika anda tiba2 di posisi 1, maka link anda akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10. Selamat mencoba.. dan mari kita lihat bagaimana efeknya.

Terakhir kepada sobat blogger yang mendapatkan award backlinknya silahkan diambil awardnya dan jangan lupa berikan kepada 10 orang sobat blogger kalian :D